Dr. Vinod Kumar Srivastava
1. My Background and Contributions to ISMS:
I am a teaching faculty at a medical school in UP and a life member of the ISMS since 1984, teaching students epidemiology and bio-statistics. I passed my MBBS and MD from King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, UP with higher education at Emory University/ CDC, Atlanta, USA as well as at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK. My epidemiological work has been recognized with award of Fellowships of the Indian Public Health Association & Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine (1992), National Academy of Medical Sciences, India (2006) and Indian Society of Medical Statistics (2010). I also served as National President of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine, National President of Indian Public Health Association and Chief Editor of Indian Journal of Public Health.
I have also served International Epidemiological Association as its Regional Councilor (2008-14) as well as its Secretary (2014-17). I have been instrumental in initiating the IEA-ISMS Joint membership scheme in which a member of ISMS can join IEA at a half price. I have also served as EC member of ISMS and has been the recipient of Dr. SK Bhattacharya Oration. I have also organized the ISMS National Conference in Nainital in 2008 as well as couple of Workshops on Statistical Methods at Lucknow and Pokhara, Nepal.
2. The Current issues that need to be addressed urgently:
There may be many issues with ISMS but I consider the followings which require urgent attention:
- i. The ISMS membership has been nearly static and there has not been much increase in its membership in last couple of years.
- ii. In spite of being ISMS decades old, it has yet to start a journal for the benefit of its members.
- iii. The posts of Assistant. Professor (Bio-statistics) in the medical colleges in India has been reduced to that of a Tutor thus limiting the employment of young postgraduates.
- iv. No effort has been made by us to start a full time Department of Bio-Statistics in medical colleges of country whose number is now more than 450.
3. My Plans for ISMS:
If elected to the post of President, ISMS:
- i. I will use all my efforts for the revival of the post of Assistant. Professor (Bio-statistics) in the medical colleges
- ii. Work towards start of an independent Department of Bio-Statistics in the medical colleges in the country thus increasing the employment opportunities of our younger colleagues.
- iii. Start an independent Indian Journal of Bio-Statistics.
- iv. Increase further visibility of ISMS by entering into collaboration and improve the membership status.

Prof. Vinod K Srivastava