Article - I
- 1. The Executive Committee shall have power to frame bye-laws and place them before the Governing Council for approval and then before the Annual General Body of the Society for ratification
- 1. The Executive Committee shall have power to frame bye-laws and place them before the Governing Council for approval and then before the Annual General Body of the Society for ratification
Article - II
Fellowship & Membership Fee and the Subscription
- 2. The membership fee / subscription of the Society shall be decided by the Governing Council, Subject to approval by the General Body. It can change from time to time according to the Governing Council’s decision.
- 3. Similarly, fellows of the Society shall also pay some admission fee (once in life time), as may be decided by the Governing Council from time to time and ratified by the General Body. This may change intermittently.
Article - III
Office - bearers of the Society
- 4. The Society shall have the following six office-bearers. a) President
b) President-Elect
c) General Secretary
d) Treasurer
e) Editor-in-Chief (and in his/her absence, Editor of the Bulletin), and
f) Web-Coordinator.
- 4. The Society shall have the following six office-bearers. a) President
Article - IV
Duties, Powers and Terms of Office-Bearers
5. The President
- a) The President shall hold office for two years
6. The President-Elect
b) Shall be the Chairman of the General Body, Extra-Ordinary and Executive Committee / Governing Council meetings and, when appointed, of any other Committee,
c) Shall have a casting vote in case of equality of votes,
d) Shall regulate the processing of the meetings and conferences and interpret rules and regulations And decide doubtful points on the issue,
e) Shall preserve the order and shall decide on all points of order at or in connection with the meeting. There shall be no discussion on any point of order and the decision of the President shall be final,
f) Shall be ex-office member of all sub-committees
g) Shall be consulted on all important matters concerning the affairs of the Society, and
h) Shall be the leader of any delegation of which he / she is a member
- a) The President-Elect shall hold office for two years, and at the end of the term will succeed the President, and
7. The General Secretary
b) Shall preside over all meetings in the absence of the President and shall have all the powers Of the President on that occasion
- a) The General Secretary shall hold office for three years and shall be eligible for re-election at the End of this term
7. The Treasurer
b) Shall be In-Charge of the Office of the Society,
c) Shall admit new members to the Society in consultation with the Treasurer.
d) Shall have general supervision of accounts, pass all bills for payment.
e) Shall assist the Treasurer in preparing a fully audited annual statement of accounts for Presentation at the Annual General Body Meeting of the Society
f) Shall maintain an up-to-date Register of all members, fellows and awardees (for each award Separately) of the Society and update them from time to time.
g) Shall assist to the Web Coordinator in preparing, updating and maintaining website of the Society.
h) Shall organize, arrange and convene meetings of the Society
i) Shall attend meetings of the Society and prepare proceedings thereof,
j) Shall be ex-office member of all sub-committees,
k) Shall bring any matter which he/she considers necessary in the interest of the Society to the notice of the Governing Council for guidance and decision.
l)Shall maintain the record of attendance in the Governing Council and General Body meetings,
m) On expiry of his/her term, shall hand over the properties, registers and books etc to the newly Elected General Secretary before the commencement of the next calendar year (i.e.,before 1st January), and
n) Shall be responsible for updating records of the Secretariat
- a) The Treasurer shall hold office for three years and shall be eligible for re-election at the end of this term
9.1 Editor-in-Chief
b) Shall be responsible for collection of fees, subscriptions, endowments and donations from members and well-wishers of the Society, maintain accounts & records, showing up-to-date subscription position and awards’ funds.
c) Enroll new members and admit them to the Society in consultation with General Secretary,
d) Shall sign the receipts and prepare statement of receipts and expenditures of the Society, duly Audited by an auditor, appointed by the Executive Committee, each year and shall present the Same including the balance sheet, at the Annual Council and General Body Meetings,
e) Shall have power to make payments not exceeding Rs 1,000/- without consent of the General Secretary
f) Shall open an account in the name of the Society with any nationalized bank and shall have the Authority to operate this account, jointly with General Secretary (or in special circumstances, with President / President Elect or with any Council Member, as per the decision of the Executive Committee), for the expenses of the Societ
g) Shall make efforts from time to time increase the income of the Society and
h) On expiry of the term, shall hand over cash, account books and other papers / documents, Connected with works of the Treasurer of the Society to the newly elected Treasurer before the Commencement of the next calendar year (i.e., before 1st January of the following year).- a) The Editor-in-Chief shall hold office for five years and shall be eligible for re-election at the end at the end of this term,
9.2 The Editor – Bulletin
b) Shall be responsible for publication of the Society’s official journal,
c) Shall be the Chairman of the Editorial Board and of the Journal Management Committee and form the Editorial Board. The Journal Management Committee (JMC) shall be a committee under the Governing Council but the Editor-in-Chief, unlike the Chairman of any other committee, shall have power to constitute this Committee, subject to the ratification by the Governing Council.
d) Shall present journal’s annual report at the Council and Annual General Body Meetings of the Society
e) Shall be responsible for mobilizing resources/ funds for running the journal. However, he / she may send appeals, from time to time, to the Society for partial funding support to the journal for consideration of the Governing Council,
f) Shall keep coordination with the Executive Committee throughout, and
g) Shall submit an audited statement of accounts to the Treasurer every year at the appropriate time.
- a) The Editor of the Bulletin, shall hold office for 5 years and shall be eligible for re-nomination
10 Web Co-ordinator
b) Be responsible for publishing Society’s official Bulletin independently, without any financial Liability on the Society
c) Shall form his / her own editorial team for publishing the Bulletin, and
d) In absence of Editor-in-Chief, will act as a member of the Executive Committee and the Governing Council.
- a) The tenure of Web Co-ordinator shall of 3 years with provision of re-nomination. Web-Coordinator may work on this position in the Society as long as the Governing Council may so desire.
b) Responsibilities of the Web-Coordinator will be to construct, maintain, update and improve the Society’s web page from time to time without any charge. The Society may consider paying actual cost for hosting its web site.
c) The Web-Coordinator will work for the Society in close association with the Secretariat. He / she will place material, provided by the General Secretary, duly approved by the President, on the Society’s web page. The routine matters of the Society, however, like – Secretariat’s circulars, Statement of accounts, meetings’ minutes and ISMS Bulletin etc, shall be placed on the webpage On the request of the concerned Office Bearer, without prior approval of the President, provided Copies of such electronic requests are also simultaneously endorsed to the President for Information and to the Secretariat for office record.
d) Web Coordinator will pass-on the username and the password to his / her successor on demitting the Office within one month
- a) The President shall hold office for two years
Article - V
Term of Office of the Governing Council Members
- 11. Members of the Governing Council shall hold office for three years and shall be eligible for re-election at the end of this term
Article - VI
Election of Office-Bearers and Governing Council Members
- 12. All Office-Bearers including Governing Council Members (President-Elect, General Secretary, Treasurer, Editor-in-Chief and Governing Council Members) shall be elected (except Web Coordinator and the Editor – Bulletin) through Nominating Committee at the Annual Governing Council and the General Body Meetings
13. The Web Coordinator and the Editor of the Bulletin shall be nominated (and not elected, like other Office-Bearers)
13(a). The Nominating Committee will identify suitable names for both the positions amongst the life members of the Society and recommend them to the Governing Council.
13(b). Thus, any life member desirous to be nominated on these two positions will contact the Chair-Nominating Committee, before the last date, set by the General Secretary for this purpose. Nominees’ consent and a brief statement in this effect shall be necessary.
13(c).The decision of the Governing Council in these matters shall be final, subject to the ratification by the General Body.
14.The General Secretary, at least 3 months before the annual conference, will invite, through a Circular, nominations for the elected positions only for the next term. These nominations, as A soft copy, will be directly sent to the Chair – Nominating Committee, with a copy to the General Secretary who will check entries for eligibility etc from the records the Nominating Committee, will process all entries, following rules in force, and will recommend to the Governing Council, the names of suitable member for each vacant position. The Committee Will submit recommendations to the President at an early date (at least 2 weeks before the Date of the Governing Council meeting in that year). The Council will finalize the candidates For each of the positions, subject to approval by the General Body. Efforts will be made to elect Members for different vacant positions through Nominating Committee on consensus basis.
15.If any controversy arises in the General Body over name(s) cleared by the Council for any of the Positions, the matter will be decided through electronic voting and / or paper ballot by the General members of the Society, to be held soon after the General Body Meeting in that year.
16.The election for this purpose shall be conducted independently by an ad hoc 3 – member Election Committee, to be formed by the President in the General Body Meeting itself. Efforts Shall be made to complete the election process will before 31 December of that year. The result Of the election shall be announced on the day of counting of votes/ballots.
17. The budgetary allocation for such election, as per the requirements, shall be made in the General Body itself, to avoid any delay in the election process.
- 12. All Office-Bearers including Governing Council Members (President-Elect, General Secretary, Treasurer, Editor-in-Chief and Governing Council Members) shall be elected (except Web Coordinator and the Editor – Bulletin) through Nominating Committee at the Annual Governing Council and the General Body Meetings
Article - VII
Meeting of the Governing Council
18. The meetings of the Governing Council shall be of three kinds:
- a) The ordinary meeting shall be held once a year during the annual conference.
20. For the annual Governing Council meeting which will normally take place as part of the Society’s Annual conference, its all past Presidents shall be invited. An invitation, along with the agenda-items, shall be sent to them well in advance. The minutes of the Governing Council Meeting shall be sent, like other members of the Governing Council, to those past Presidents, who will actually attend the meeting.
b) A requisition meeting shall be called within six weeks from the date of receipt of a requisition, Signed by at least five members of the Governing Council, stating the business for which the requisition meeting is required.
c) The extra ordinary meeting of the Governing Council can be called by the General Secretary, with the permission of the President, for which at least 15 days notice shall be given to all members of the Council.
19 Note : At least four week’s notice except in case of 18(c), specifying place, date, time and the agenda of business to be transacted at the ordinary or special meeting shall be given to each Member
21. Quorum – (a) Quorum for ordinary meeting shall be five with at least 3 office-bearers including President / President-Elect.
(b) Quorum for requisition and extra ordinary meeting shall be 6 with at least 4 office bearers including President and the General Secretary.
If the quorum is not complete, the Governing Council Meeting shall have to be adjourned. It can Re-assemble to conduct the business for which no Quorum shall be necessary.
22. The decision of the Governing Council in all matters pertaining to the Society shall be final subject to ratification by the General Body at its Annual General Meeting.
23. Every meeting of the Governing Council shall be presided over by the President (or by the President-elect in the absence of the president)or by a member, chosen at the meeting in the absence of both the President and the President-Elect.
24. A Governing Council meeting will take place prior to every General Body Meeting.
- a) The ordinary meeting shall be held once a year during the annual conference.
Article - VIII
Calling of the Annual General Body Meeting
24. The Annual general Body Meeting shall usually be held during the Annual Conference of the Society.
- a) Notice and agenda of the General Body Meeting shall be sent by the General Secretary to all Members of the Society at least 30 days before the meeting. An initial information about the Venue (city or town) and provisional dates of the Annual Conference (and so of the Annual General Body Meeting) shall be given to all members by the General Secretary in a circular at least 90 days Before the Annual General Body Meeting.
- b) The General Body Meeting shall be presided over by the President or by the President-Elect in the Absence of the President. In absence of both, the Governing Council may choose a senior member Of the Society for doing so.
- c) The Governing Council shall have power to fix or change the date and venue of the Annual Conference and Annual General Body Meeting of the Society under special circumstances.
- d) Business to be transacted: The business to be transacted at the Annual General Body Meeting shall Include the following:
- i) Condolence resolution, if any.
- ii) Confirmation of the minutes of the last Annual General Body Meeting and Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting, if any
- iii) Adoption of the general Secretary’s report.
- iv) Adoption of the Treasurer’s report and statement of audited accounts.
- v) Adoption of Editor-in-Chief’s and Editor’s report
- vi) Election of office-bearers and members of the Governing Council against retiring members, as Recommended by the Governing Council.
- vii) Election of fellows
- viii) Oration and awards including grants &memento
- ix) Venue of the Society’s next annual conference in view of the recommendation of the Governing Council.
- x) Amendment of Rules and Bye-laws, if any, as proposed by the Governing Council.
- xi) Resolutions from members
- xii) Any other business with the permission of the Chair.
- e) The proceedings of the General Body Meeting shall be regulated according to the Rules and Bye-laws of the Society. Unless otherwise determined by the Rules, every question submitted to the General Body Meeting shall be decided by show of hands and in case of equality of votes, the Person presiding over shall have and exercise a second or casting vote.
- f) The minutes of the General Body Meeting shall be recorded by the General Secretary
25. Quorum – The quorum of the General Body Meeting shall be 30. The attendance register for this Purpose shall be maintained by the General secretary.
If quorum is incomplete, the General Body meeting shall have to be adjourned. Memebers can Re-assemble to conduct their business for which no quorum shall be necessary.
- a) Notice and agenda of the General Body Meeting shall be sent by the General Secretary to all Members of the Society at least 30 days before the meeting. An initial information about the Venue (city or town) and provisional dates of the Annual Conference (and so of the Annual General Body Meeting) shall be given to all members by the General Secretary in a circular at least 90 days Before the Annual General Body Meeting.
Article - IX
Appointment of Auditor
26. Every year, the Executive Committee shall appoint a competent registered auditor or a Charted Accountant for auditing the accounts of the Society and the duties of the auditor shall be as follows:
- a) The auditor shall audit the accounts at the end of the financial year, prepare the statement of the Accounts including a balance sheet and the assets of the Society in proper format and shall certify their correctness, and
b) Shall give suggestions for keeping Society’s account, as required, and advise the General Secretary And the Treasurer on taking precaution while investing Society’s funds and managing them, considering Society’s profits and income tax implications.
- a) The auditor shall audit the accounts at the end of the financial year, prepare the statement of the Accounts including a balance sheet and the assets of the Society in proper format and shall certify their correctness, and
Article - X
Salaries & Remunerations
- 27. With the consent of the president, General Secretay shall keep an imprest – account, not exceeding Rs.5000/- and, shall re-coup the amount spent with the Treasurer, on production of vouchers. Expenditure exceeding Rs.2000/- at a time, except on printing and postage, shall be Incurred with the permission of the President.
The General Secretary and the treasurer may keep part time or full time support staff, like Clerk, Steno-typist or Computer Assistant, for the Society’s administrative work with concurrence of the Governing Council. The remuneration of such staff shall be decided by the Governing Council From time to time, depending upon volume of work involved and financial health of the Society.
The full or part time staff, kept by the Journal management Committee (JMC) shall be paid-salary Or remuneration, by the Editor-in-Chief independently. The Society shall not be responsible for Payment to any staff of the journal.
- 27. With the consent of the president, General Secretay shall keep an imprest – account, not exceeding Rs.5000/- and, shall re-coup the amount spent with the Treasurer, on production of vouchers. Expenditure exceeding Rs.2000/- at a time, except on printing and postage, shall be Incurred with the permission of the President.
Article - XI
Funds of the Society
28. Income: The funds or income of the Society shall be derived from the following sources:
- a) Fees and subscriptions paid to the Society by its members and fellows.
29. Expenditure: The Governing Council shall, out of the funds of the Society, defray all expenses Including rents, salaries, wages and such other charges as may be necessary for carrying out the Work of the society.
b) Donations for awards and otherwise (with approval by the Governing Council).
c) Share of the surplus amount, accumulated in the hands of the Organizing Committee of the Annual Conferences and/ or any other regional scientific meetings / programs of the Society
d) Advertisements on publications of the Society
e) Proceeds from the sale of periodicals or books and such other property as may be acquired from time to time.
f) Interest on Savings bank and Fixed Deposit Accounts, etc
g) Contributions from the Government or Local Bodies.
h) Funds in any form from any other legal source.
- a) Fees and subscriptions paid to the Society by its members and fellows.
Article - XII
Annual Conference
30. An Annual Conference of the Society shall be organized every year or as the General Body may decide, under the auspices of the Society at a suitable place and time to be decided at the Annual General Body Meeting of the Society. Such a Conference shall usually be held, before the 31st day of December.
31. . The general Secretary of the Society, on behalf of its Executive Committee, shall be responsible for:
- a) The dates of the Annul Conference in consultation with the Organizing Committee,
32. The expenses of the Conference shall be wholly borne by the Organizing Committee and the Society shall not be responsible for any loss on account of holding the Conference. The executive Committee shall render every possible assistance to the Organizing Committee of the Conference.
b) Making alternative arrangements, in case the Organizing Committee fails to give a firm Commitment regarding the proposed dates for the Conference.
c) Identifying venues for the Annual Conference and negotiating with members-desirous of organizing
The next or future Annual Conference at different places, so as to keep 2-3 different invitations always pending
d) Informing all the members regarding dates & venue of the Conference.
e) Inviting delegates from other relevant Societies / Organizations from India and abroad, in Consultations with and / or under – intimation to the Organizing Secretary of the Conference,
f) Arranging for railway Concession for delegates, if required, by the members.
g) Writing to different Government and similar agencies at the Centre and the states to permit Members of ISMS, serving under them to attend the Conference on duty leave, and
h) Arranging participation of the bidders to the next Annual Conference and their Points presentation, if available, during the Annual General Body Meeting, for discussions by the members of the Society.
The Executive Committee may sanction a non- refundable seed money, not exceeding Rs. 10,000/-, for making preliminary arrangements in connection with the Annual Conference, if requested by the organizers. This amount will be placed at the disposal of the Organizing Secretary of the Conference any may be spent for this purpose. Further, if the financial health of the Annual Conference would permit, soon after the Conference, the Organizing Secretary will Return this seed Money to the Treasure of the Society back. Further some, a loan not exceeding Rs. 10,000/- may also be given if a request is made by the Organizing Secretary of the Conference, with an undertaking to repay the same before the Conference.
33.The Organizing Committee of the Conference will open only one Bank account for this Purpose In any nationalized bank, in the name of the Conference, to be operated jointly, preferably-by the Organizing Secretary and the Treasure of the conference. The full money flow-income and expenses of the Conference, shall be routed through this account only. In case of savings, the Organizing Committee may transfer part of their savings (at least 25%) to the Society to Strengthen its future programs and activities.
34.Chairs, speakers and delegates and other technical participants of the annual conference, Workshop and symposium etc, may be provided a ‘Certificate of participation’ in the event This certificate shall be jointly signed by the President and/ of General Secretary on behalf Of ISMS and Organizing Chair and / or Organizing Secretary or by any of their nominee as they decide, on behalf the Organizing Committee of the event.
35.After the Conference is over, accounts of the Conference shall be audited by any recognized Charted Accountant or Government Accounts & Financial Controller and a copy of the audited account shall be sent to the Treasure of the Society for record.
- a) The dates of the Annul Conference in consultation with the Organizing Committee,
Article - XII
Mode of Correspondence and Maintenance of records
36. Day to day correspondence of the Society shall be made, as far as possible, electronically (using the internet). Paper correspondence will, however, continue in circumstances where Electronic correspondence shall not be possible.
37 Records of the society shall be prepared and maintained in form of either hard copies or as data- electronic data-base. Gradually, Society’s records shall be changed to and maintained as electronic base only
It is certified that the foregoing is a true copy of the currently amended/ revised Constitution of our Society, Corrected up to 31 December 2016